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Create a News Article

We are using the blog feature of Docusaurus for the news on It creates a page for each blog post, but also a blog index page, a tag system, an RSS feed.

Guidelines for creating a News Article

All news articles on are summaries that link to existing articles. Here's what we seek and will approve for content:

  • Engagement Requests: Content should encourage active participation or action from the community.
  • Simplify Complex Topics: Explain complex subjects (like finance, regulation, legal issues, governance, infrastructure, operations, resilience, or development) in simple terms. Summarize significant community events such as large meetups, workshops, working group activities, votes, polls, surveys, or governance actions.
  • Non-Approved Content: We will not promote content focused on sales, self-promotion, vague announcements, launching new tokens/platforms/apps/services, or unsubstantiated claims about being the best, first, largest, or fastest.
  • Summary: Content should primarily benefit the community, not just individuals or companies, and must link back to a detailed blog or news article for more information.

Purpose of the Summary

  • The summary of a news article aims to provide readers with a brief overview of the content and encourage them to read the full article.

Content of the Summary

  • Keep the summary concise (40-60 words) and informative, highlighting the key points of the article.
  • Avoid adding additional information or personal opinions not present in the article.
  • Do not include additional links to external sources or resources within the summary. Links within the summary should only direct to internal pages of the website offering relevant content.

Formatting and Structure

  • Write the summary in clear, understandable sentences.
  • Ensure proper formatting for readability.

Review and Approval

  • Before merging the pull request, the summary is reviewed for accuracy, relevance, and compliance with this guideline.

Why this guideline?

This guideline ensures that readers receive a concise and informative preview of the article without being distracted by external sources. Additionally, it helps prevent the attraction of individuals posting articles solely for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) purposes, maintaining the integrity of the platform's content.

Understanding the author file

Every news article needs an author. You can find the authors file in /blog/authors.yml. An example entry looks like:

name: Buidler Fest
image_url: ../img/authors/builderfest.png

Create your first Post

Create a new folder in /blog with the name 2024-04-14-hello-world. Then create an in this folder with the following content:

slug: hello-world
title: Hello World!
authors: [builderfest]
tags: [greetings]

Congratulations, you have made your first news article!

Feel free to play around and edit this post as much as you like.

As you can see, we have used builderfest as the author and the news article uses all the data from /blog/authors.yml. The slugdefines the url, it must be unique. The news article is now available at http://localhost:3000/news/hello-world and it will look like this:


Add Co-Author and an image

Copy an image into the 2024-04-14-hello-world folder, then follow the highlighted instructions to add another author and to incorporate the image into the news article:

slug: hello-world
title: Hello World!
authors: [builderfest, taptools]
tags: [greetings]

Congratulations, you have made your first news article!

Feel free to play around and edit this post as much as you like.


Unfortunately you can not reference themend images(with dark and light mode) like this. Please put them in /img/news.

The result should look like this: img

Add link to the original article serves as a hub rather than a primary platform for publishing articles. Consequently, articles should originate from an external source to which they can link back. It is advisable to post a concise summary of the article, approximately 50 to 60 words in length, accompanied by an appealing image.

Additionally, include a Read more link directing readers to the full article on its original website. If the article has an image, add the Read more link above it:

slug: hello-world
title: Hello World!
authors: [builderfest, taptools]
tags: [greetings]

Congratulations, you have made your first news article!

Feel free to play around and edit this post as much as you like.

<div style={{ textAlign: 'right' }}>
[**Read more**](


Do not use <!-- truncate --> marker in the news articles as it would add another Read more link.

News Article Tags

Tags are labels assigned to articles, allowing multiple tags per article and enabling flexible categorization and search. You should always use tags so that there are several hits per tag and they are not too specific. You can find an overview of all tags on


When tagging go from specific to broad. Example: weekly development report, development. Not: development, weekly development report.