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Add your Company

Thank you for considering adding your company, association or collaboration to Entities Building on Cardano.


Before making a pull request, please make sure that you fulfill all these requirements.

Requirements of your company, association or collaboration

  • You can only add a registered company, an association, or a collaboration. By "collaboration" we mean open source collaborations such as the Koios Team or the Guild Operators.
  • You cannot add a product, service or tool. These can be added to the Cardano Showcase.
  • Ensure that your company/association/collaboration has a product, service or tool that is listed on either Cardano Showcase or Builder Tools.
  • Your product, service, or tool needs to work today on Cardano mainnet, no coming soon, no preview, no promises, no token sales.

Website Requirement

  • Link to the company/association/collaboration website and not to the product website. Examples: don't link to Flint Wallet but to dcSpark. Don't link to CardanoScan but to Strica.
  • Your company/association/collaboration website has to have a stable domain name. (a random Netlify/Vercel domain is not allowed, no URL shortener, no app store links, or similar)
  • Don't link to token pages. Example: don't link to World Mobile Token but to World Mobile.
  • If you have registered your product as a company/association/collaboration or you have the same website for both, please link to a team or about Us page. Examples: entries of DripDropz and

Logo Requirements

  • Have your company/association/collaboration logo as SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file. In order to maintain a certain quality standard, no jpg, png or other formats are accepted.
  • You need one that looks good on white background and one that looks good a dark background. (Light mode / dark mode)
  • Avoid a transparent border around the logo otherwise it will be displayed too small.
  • If you specify a size in the SVG file, do not go below 600x600.

Pull Request requirements

  • The GitHub account that adds the company must not be new.
  • The GitHub account that adds the company must have a history/or already be known in the Cardano community.

Changes for the actual pull request

To create a pull request that adds your company named Amazing Company:

  • Fulfill all the above requirements.
  • Copy your two logos (light and dark mode) to the folder static/img/logos. Name them amazingcompany.svg and amazingcompany-dark.svg.
  • Make changes to the JSON file as shown below.
  • The field showCompanyName can be set to true if your company logo does not already include the company name. The name of the company is then displayed under the logo. Example: TxPipe and DripDropz.
  • The field knownFor must be set to at least one product/service or tool that is listed on either Cardano Showcase or Builder Tools.
"companyName": "Amazing Company",
"imageName": "amazingcompany",
"link": "https://link-to-amazing-company",
"knownFor": "product, service or tool",
"showCompanyName": false