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Start Building on Cardano

A curated list of resources and entry points to help you get started with building on Cardano.

Developer Resources


Access the essential resources and updates you need to build, integrate, and stay informed about the Cardano blockchain. Below you’ll find links to the developer portal, detailed documentation, integration guides, and the latest core development updates.


Developer Tools

Explore the tools, projects, and updates that are shaping the Cardano ecosystem. Below you’ll find links to builder tools, a showcase of projects built on Cardano, and a technical updates tracker that aggregates commits within the last 7 days from all branches of Cardano development-related repos.



Join the vibrant Cardano developer community through various platforms. Below you’ll find links to the Cardano Stack Exchange, the Cardano Forum, and the official Telegram group. Connect with fellow developers, ask questions, and share insights in our decentralized ecosystem.

Attack the protocol, fork the blockchain - or not. Explore the Ouroboros protocol firsthand in this interactive simulation.